
Are You Concerned About Your Child's Future in an Uncertain World?

Does it worry you that your child spends so much time interacting with technology, yet knows so little about it? Are you unsure of how to prepare them for a rapidly evolving job market driven by AI and automation? Does the seemingly dystopian vision of the future, perpetuated by popular media, make you anxious about the world your child will inherit?
Teenager in awe, nature

What If There Was a Way to Flip the Script?

Imagine if your child could be an active participant in shaping a brighter future, rather than a passive consumer of technology. What if they could be equipped with the knowledge and skills to use AI not just responsibly, but creatively and proactively to solve real-world problems? What if they could be inspired to envision a future where technology and humanity coexist in harmony and mutual progress?

Your Child Can Be a Part of the Solution, Not the Problem

We invite your child to embark on an extraordinary 8-week online journey that introduces them to the wonders of artificial intelligence, its limitless potential, and its role in crafting a better future. This course aims to empower your child to unlock the power of AI, and leverage it for creative problem-solving and progressive change. It will provide groundbreaking AI knowledge with hands-on problem-solving skills where they will work on AI-powered projects that inspire creativity, collaboration, and achievement, covering areas such as AI art, health, entrepreneurship, and social good.
Boy working on Dolphin project

Taught by Experts

Under the guidance of globally recognized AI experts, your child will dive deep into the fascinating world of AI. Our lineup of expert guest speakers are renowned trailblazers in their fields, dedicating their extensive knowledge and passion to ignite the spirit of innovation in young learners.


Course Curriculum

Week 1

Unveiling the AI Revolution

Embark on a thrilling adventure as we demystify AI's core concepts and uncover its vast potential in healthcare, education, art, and the environment. In this week, kids will pick an area of focus for an AI project that they will contemplate by the end of the course.
Girl wearing AR glasses

Week 2

Navigating the Ethical AI Landscape

Delve into the moral complexities of AI's power, exploring its potential misuse as well as possible ways to engender it as a force of benevolence. Guided by Foster Gamble, learn critical thinking techniques to develop projects that harmoniously balance technology and human creativity.
Bronze staute, AI, robot, lady justice

Week 3

Crafting AI-Ready Skillsets and Careers

Discover the essential AI skills that are fundamental in the booming job market. Our guest experts of AI industry professionals will reveal a world of AI career opportunities.
DNA as part of Nature

Week 4

Facilitating the New Artist

Unleash your child's creative genius as we venture into the realm of AI in art, music, and video. Guided by AI Art experts, your teen will collaborate and create an AI-generated art piece or music project, nurturing their innate artistic talents. (image made by AI app Midjourney - in fact, most images on this page are)
Girl in meadow of wildflowers - AI generated

Week 5


Empower your teen to harness AI for financial growth and savvy entrepreneurship. Together with our AI entrepreneur experts, your teen will learn how to start a business from scratch using the help of AI.
Tween speaking about his new permaculture app on stage

Week 6

Harness AI for Habits of Wellness

Explore the transformative power of AI and its potential to facilitate a new level of well-being. With our experts in the latest in AI driven health research, kids will learn to ask questions about what it means to be well and what it takes to be happy. They will learn how to create an app to assess their own well-being and use AI tools, to instill habits that nourish the mind, body, and soul.
Boy basking in sun by window

Week 7

Building Communities with AI-Enabled Communication

Elevate human connections through AI-driven communication tools that enhance empathy and understanding. Under the guidance of our AI communication expert, we'll delve into AI-powered language learning and communication platforms, forging meaningful bonds across cultures and languages and see how accelerated technology is pushing us to ask the question how can AI make us more loving humans?

Week 8

Shaping a Better World with AI for Social Good

Witness the inspiring potential of AI to tackle pressing global challenges, from climate change to social inequality. Our AI social impact experts will showcase real-world AI projects that are geared to uplift communities and protect the environment, kindling a passion for creating a brighter, more equitable future.
Weather Scientists looking at the world


We offer a special price for schools who want to enroll a group of students, as well as an installment plan for individuals

Meet Your Instructors

Matthew James Bailey


Matthew is a globally recognized expert in AI-centric futures, Ethical AI, and Global AI Ethics. As the author of "Inventing World 3.0: Evolutionary Ethics for Artificial Intelligence," he has demonstrated exceptional leadership across governments and private sectors. A serial entrepreneur, advisor, visiting scholar, and speaker, Matthew has been recognized by the US government as "A Person of Extraordinary Ability." He has advised prime ministers, ministers, under secretaries, and assisted multiple territories and global tech companies in their digital transformations.
Matthew James Bailey

Foster Gamble

President & Co-Founder of Clear Compass Media.

Foster has dedicated his life to figuring out what is in the way of humanity thriving...and what we can do about it. Studying at Princeton University, he began questioning the establishment and sought whole-system solutions in every sector. He spent decades researching new energy technologies, consciousness, non-violent conflict resolution and freedom-based alternatives to our current failing institutions. Alongside his wife Kimberly Gamble he's created two feature documentaries, "THRIVE: What on Earth Will It Take?" (one of the most watched documentaries in history with over 95 Million views) and "THRIVE II: This Is What It Takes." These milestone films combine startling revelations with scientific and ethical principles to provide a moral compass and a strategic roadmap to a world where everyone can thrive.
Foster Gamble

Dr. Michael Abramoff, MD, PhD

Founder of Digital Diagnostics

Dr. Michael D. Abramoff, MD, PhD, is a neuroscientist, fellowship-trained retina specialist, and computer engineer. He is Founder and Executive Chairman of Digital Diagnostics, the first company ever to receive FDA clearance for an autonomous AI diagnostic system. He is also the Watzke Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the University of Iowa. He brought together intellectual property, including 16 patents on AI algorithms and sensors, the autonomous AI concept and its liability implications, its bioethical and health economics foundation, that inspires the vision that brought Digital Diagnostics to where it is today.

As a physician-scientist, Dr. Abramoff continues to treat patients with retinal disease and trains medical students, residents, and fellows, as well as engineering graduate students at the University of Iowa.
Dr. Michael Abramoff MD, PhD

Bella Shing

Creative Director / AI

Bella Shing is our Creative Director. An award-winning commercials director, she's won a grant from PBS for Youth Media and has taught kids from 8-18 on film and video production. She has been incorporating AI tools to create everything from websites (including this one) to videos. She is thrilled to work with kids to learn how to use AI to make their ideas and visions come to life.
Bella Shing

Leandrew Dixon

Music Producer/ AI Expert

Leandrew Dixon Founder of Autonomite, a creative studio, Leandrew is a multi-passionate creative and strives to uplift humanity through various outlets, including music production, entrepreneurship, web design, writing, and video production. His primary passions encompass music, disruptive technology, world citizenship, and alternative societal forms.
Leandrew Dixon

Adam Apollo


The founder of multiple education and tech-based organizations, now integrating AI, Adam Apollo is a renowned speaker featured at the White House, United Nations, and global events. With extensive experience in coordinating initiatives for education, peacemaking and sustainability, he developed the UNIFY initiative, the Resonance Academy for Unified Physics, Guardian Alliance Academy, and other transformational education programs.
Adam Apollo


We offer a special price for schools who want to enroll a group of students, as well as an installment plan for individuals

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What's the long-term benefit of children learning AI today?

    Children who learn AI today are better equipped to navigate and thrive in a technologically driven future. They'll be poised to contribute meaningfully to their chosen fields, advocate for ethical AI use, and lead with innovative thinking.

  • What cognitive skills can children develop through AI education?

    AI education plays a pivotal role in honing cognitive skills that are highly valued in the AI job market and beyond. As children delve into the world of AI, they embark on a journey of cognitive growth that extends far beyond the realm of technology. A fraction of skills include logical reasoning, pattern recognition, algorithmic thinking, and data analysis.

  • Why Should I Enroll My Child Into Coherence Education?

    Many parents nationwide, us included, have seen how the education system has changed over the years. We firmly believe that children deserve a bright, vibrant, and engaging educational experience, which is what we aim to deliver. Our courses span far beyond the scope of what you would find at a public or even private school. Our course are designed to not only supplement the modern curriculum but to also expand children’s mind’s in ways they never thought possible. We do this by keeping our courses relevant and engaging, with real-world examples and applications.

  • What Kind Of Course Is This?

    This is an online course that features guest speakers, live Q&A, homework, experiments, and breakout groups. The course is designed to be interactive and engaging, with plenty of opportunities for your child to ask questions, collaborate with classmates, and apply what they’ve learned.

  • What Does My Child Need To Participate In The Course?

    They will need a computer or other device with an internet connection, a webcam, and Zoom capabilities. Also, we HIGHLY recommend them having a quiet place to participate in live sessions and complete homework assignments in.

  • How Often Will This Course Meet For Live Sessions?

    We offer a morning (9-11 AM EST) and afternoon class (4-6 PM ST) and will meet once a week for eight weeks. Classes typically last for 2 - 2.5 hours. Live sessions will feature guest speakers, Q&A sessions, and other interactive activities. If your child is unable to attent the live aspects of this course, all sessions are recorded and will be available within 48 hours for viewing.

  • How Much Time Should My Child Spend On This Course Per Week?

    Your child should expect to spend 4 hours at minimum, per week on the course, including live sessions, homework assignments, and other activities. We designed this course to be fun, so 4 hours certainly won’t seem like it! Many of our students tell their instructors how they lose track of time working on assignments they enjoy completing.