In just 8 weeks...

Positively transform your child’s relationship with money!

Our Money Blueprint

Most of us have received disempowering messages about money since we were born. We’ve been told that having money involves struggle, that it’s hard to come by, that it can go away suddenly, and that it causes worries and headaches. We hear that rich people are bad, that money doesn’t grow on trees, and money is ‘the root of all evil.’

Have you ever wondered why some people have such an easy relationship with money? They make and grow it effortlessly. They don’t fear losing it because they’re confident they’ll quickly make it back – and then some!

And why is it that so many others, despite hard work and seemingly doing all the right things, have such a hard time making and keeping money?
Tween Hiking

Mindset and Practical Skills

We all want our kids to grow up living healthy, independent lives free from money struggles. But how can we help them develop an easy, confident relationship with money, especially if we as adults have not?

You’ve come to the right place! We’re here to transform our students’ relationship with making and growing money – forever.

Along with developing a healthy money mindset, each student will take on a mini-entrepreneurial project to make money. Once the money comes in, they’ll develop a strategy and system for how much to spend, save, and invest.
Tween with Money Swirling Around his Head

What we'll cover

During 8 wealth-expanding weeks, Creating Magic with Money will help your child master:
  • Creating a healthy money mindset
  • Learning money basics - where to keep it, how to track it, and how to grow it
  • The power of compound interest
  • Developing a mini entrepreneurial project to make money during the class!
  • Learning the basics of sales
  • Marketing to and growing an audience
  • Using A.I. tools to your advantage
  • And so much more!
  • Fireside Chat

    This Course is Right

    • Your child has experience with money concepts or is brand new to them

    • They struggle with maintaining focus or sitting still (there will be plenty of interaction and movement)

    • Your child has lacked self-discipline around money in the past

    • Your child has never earned money on their own before

    Is this Course Right for Your Child?

    September 9 - October 28, 2024

    Live Sessions on Mondays

    Morning or Afternoon Sessions available 9-11 am or 4-6 pm PST

    Our Heartfelt Guarantee

    We want kids to feel capable of handling the volatile conditions of life. We want them confident in their ability to access their inner power. If your kid attends the classes, does the exercises, and you don’t witness them feeling more empowered, let us know and we will promptly provide you a full refund.


    • What is the recommended age range for this program?

      We recommend our courses for kids from 8-18 years old. The skills we are teaching apply to kids of any age. The main criteria is their attention span is sufficient. We have had kids as young as 6 years old in our classes.

    • What's the time commitment required per week?

      120 minutes of instruction per week, plus between 10-30 minutes per day of daily practice and activity logging.

    • What materials do I need?

      We'll provide you with journal pages that you can print-out and put into a binder. We will also provide an app for logging activities and charting progress. Optionally, you can open an investment account for your child.

    • Will this course be recorded?

      Yes recordings are captioned and available 48 hours after the end of the live session

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