The Course Most Wanted by Kids

In our most recent poll, an overwhelming number of kids wanted to learn about communicating with animals. Have you ever gazed into the eyes of an animal and felt a profound connection, a silent conversation? That's not just your imagination. Animals have a language, a way of communicating, and with the right guidance, you can tap into that world.
Child on ipad doing art

Speak Their Language

By the end of this 8-week transformative course, your child will have a visceral, somatic understanding of inter-species communication. They will learn about how to use the abilities and qualities of animals to build confidence in their own lives.
Teens on a video call

Benefits of Learning to Communicate with Animals

  • Enhanced Empathy and Emotional Intelligence

    Research indicates that interactions with animals can facilitate emotional development in children, particularly in terms of empathy. By learning to interpret and respond to an animal's non-verbal cues, children cultivate a heightened sensitivity to emotions—both in animals and humans. This nurtured empathy can be vital for social interactions, relationships, and overall emotional well-being.

  • Boosted Self-confidence and Trust in Intuition

    Successfully communicating with animals and understanding their responses can be incredibly validating for children. It affirms their intuitive abilities, building self-confidence. Trusting their inner voice and intuition is a valuable skill that can be applied in various aspects of life, from decision-making to understanding their feelings and emotions.

  • Connection to Nature and Environmental Awarenestree

    Engaging in animal communication naturally fosters a deeper bond with the natural world. Kids become more attuned to the environment, understanding the intricate web of life and the importance of every creature. This can instill a lifelong passion for conservation, sustainability, and a respect for all living beings.

Course Curriculum

Week 1

Intuitive Listening, Using Your Extended Senses to Hear an Animal Speak

Tap into your innate ability to listen without words and receive communication from your animal companion or one that Penelope Smith will present in class. Bring a photo or two of your animal friends.
Hue and palette, character design

Week 2

Shape Shifting to Boost Your Animal Communication

Raise your awareness of how animals think and feel. Learn how to use your finer-tuned senses. Understand animals from the inside out to communicate even better with them.
Fox folk art

Week 3

Find Your Power Animal

Discover your power or spirit animal guide who is available to help you. Find this special animal helper you can always communicate with and who can guide you through difficulties in your life.
Line drawing on ipad

Week 4

Energy Healing Techniques to Help Your Animal Friends

Learn simple and powerful methods you can easily use to help your animal companions. Bring a stuffed animal to practice with to learn the methods that you can apply to your animal family members.
Deer folk art

Week 5

Reading Animal Emotions

Identify, understand, and respond to animals' emotional states.
Black and white sketch anime

Week 6

Learning from the Hive

Explore the vital role of hives in communities. We'll learn from expert beekeepers about what bees can teach us about community and cooperation as well as other hive communities.
Teenager speaking on stage

Week 7

Symbology of Animals

Do you live in a city or in a place where it may be hard to see different kinds of animals? Did you know that they can still communicate to you through symbols? As we delve into the many unique traits of animals, learn how they can show up in your life and give you guidance.
Symbology of animals

Week 8

Animals, Transition & Reconnection

In this final week we get to learn from Pea Horsley who will be sharing amazing stories of how her cat Texas helped her to write her third book as well as how he continues to be part of life even after he transitioned.
Dog spirit flying

Meet Your Guides

Penelope Smith

A trailblazer in the field of interspecies telepathic communication since the 1970s, Penelope Smith is the author of several groundbreaking books, including "Animal Talk," "When Animals Speak," and "Animals in Spirit," and is the founding editor of Species Link magazine. She has dedicated her life to enhancing the understanding and connection between humans and animals. With an educational background in social sciences and extensive experience in human counseling, nutrition, and holistic body energy balancing, she discovered in 1971 that animals, like humans, could be relieved of emotional traumas through similar counseling techniques. Her work, which has been the cornerstone of the growing community of animal communicators worldwide, has garnered recognition through features in various media outlets globally.
Penelope Smith

Pea Horsley

Pea Horsley is the UK's leading animal communication expert, aiming to deepen our understanding and connection with nature. She founded Animal Thoughts and co-created The Pride – Animal Wisdom Membership, fostering heart-to-heart talks with animals to raise consciousness. Through her online courses, best-selling books, a TEDx talk, mentoring, and events, she assists individuals in their journey of animal communication. She also launched the Conversations with Nature World Summit, uniting speakers on interspecies communication and sacred activism. Her Wild Animal Communication Retreats offer profound insights into animal wisdom, earning her a nomination for the Woman of Peace Award 2022.
Pea Horsley

JoLee Wingerson

For the past 20 years JoLee has been helping people and their pets create more loving, harmonious, supportive relationships through animal communication and healing. As a child, it seemed natural to “just know” what an animal was feeling or thinking. Each summer while visiting her grandparents’ farm in Kansas, she renewed friendships with Susie the dog (and, if I was lucky enough that year, her new puppies), Pepper and Flicka ~ the horses and Daisy the milking cow. Her path following college led her into the financial world for eight years. Then she received a Master’s degree in Journalism and became a free-lance writer. Upon moving to Boulder, CO, in 2000 with her two sweet cats, Nazare and Chloe, she graduated from a clairvoyant school and found that her natural animal communication skills were welcomed in this animal-loving community.
JoLee Wingerson

Bella Shing

Coherence Education Co-Founder

For the past 25 years Bella has studied with various shamans, intuitives, and healers from all over the world. One of her favorite learnings has been how to be more in tune with animals and the animistic and elemental forces of nature. Having grown up mostly in cities, Bella didn't have a special ability to communicate with her pets or the animals around her. But through her spiritual journey, she has since had many incredible moments communicating with animals. She first began noticing animals as symbols that would appear around her as there weren't that many available to her in cities and has developed a love of sharing how animal symbols can help to empower us even when we can't access them in our current environment.
Bella Shing

Rebecca Dye

Co-Founder Design Focus International

An award-winning landscape architect and artist, Rebecca along with her husband Hank Helbush, create environments that enrich and inspire the human spirit by connecting people with nature. Recognized for her expertise in sustainable permaculture systems, she focuses on water capture, nutrient recycling, and the integration of edible forests, using local materials to enhance native habitats. She's been considered the country's top bioswale designer, creating spaces that support native flora and fauna while facilitating human interaction with nature. Rebecca is also passionate about designing children’s gardens that foster connectivity to nature and creativity, exemplified by her work at an orphanage in the Ukraine. Her work is known to bring life back to areas that are considered "dead zones". Rebecca’s contributions have earned her three national golden nugget awards for excellence in urban residential site planning, landscape architecture and international project. She also won Best Development in the last 40 years with Best in American Living (BALA). Bella Shing (Co-Founder of Coherence Education) has called her a real-life Snow White in the way that she is able to communicate with the animals that are around her (even before she studied with Anna Breytenbach). We are thrilled to have kids be able to partake of her wisdom and spirit.
Rebecca Dye

What Makes This Course Unique

  • Guest Experts: We are known for getting speakers who are the best in the field! We are thrilled that Penelope Smith a trailblazer in animal communication and Jolee Wingerson will be joining us!

  • Real-World Experience Our experts aren't just theorists; they've worked with animals, from household pets to wild animals. Learn from actual case studies, real stories, and practical insights.

  • Interactive Learning Engage with communicators who've facilitated better understanding between humans and non-humans. Dive deep with interactive Q&A sessions, practical exercises, and more.
  • Tween hiking with dog

    What Students are Saying
    About Our Courses

    “Coherence Education has helped me on my journey of music, self-confidence, and my knowledge of AI tools. I enjoy connecting with kids from all around the globe and learning about them. Coherence Education has helped me and so many others to get to know each other better, and to learn and grow as individuals. ”


    “I loved these classes, they are really fun and I feel like I'm really learning something. The teachers are awesome and really nice. I can't wait for the next classes to start. I wish they were sooner. ”


    “I've decided that I love the Coherence Education Courses, they've been amazing. The past 8 weeks of my life of taking the courses, have been amazing, engaging, very profound. They branch out to things I don't know about even if it's a topic I think I know. They are very engaging, interactive and you never get bored”


    “First of all, we want to express our deep gratitude for what you have created in Coherence for Kids course. Its been joyful journey not only for our daughter, but also us, parents. It was so inspiring, so much fun and joy, just to be there present with you all and all those beautiful souls. We as adults also learned and refreshed our own learning journey, so thank you for that wonderful family and international affair. You and all those amazing teachers were just such an amazing addition to our Thursday evenings, we were somehow sad to wave you off and say goodbye yesterday. So Thank you all again for this wonderful adventure we had. ”

    Maya, John & Emily

    Course Logistics

    This 8 Week Course begins Wednesday March 20, 2024

    • Time: Your choice of either a morning session 9-11am or afternoon session 4-6pm Pacific Time

    • Tools Required: Photos of a pet (doesn't have to be their own), journal

    Payment Options

    We offer a special price for schools who want to enroll a group of students.